Monday 4 March 2013

Our Personal Horoscope

I’m not really a big fan of horoscopes and all that astrology stuff. Sure, whenever I’m reading the paper, I sometimes glance at my horoscope just to see whether even half of it has already come true for my day. Usually, horoscopes are so general anyway, and it’s not predictions but advice which they offer. Because of this, practically anyone can nod his or her head and agree with what horoscopes say.

Sometimes, my horoscope for the day gets it right, sometimes, it doesn’t. And it doesn’t help that I share the same horoscope with my husband. My husband and I love each other, but there are just some things that seem weird to be shared. Horoscopes, for instance.

Naturally, we don’t want the daily newspaper horoscope dictating us that our fate for the day is just the same. “You will face some financial difficulties but never take your eyes off the reward just around the corner,” our horoscope for Libra would say. Really, now.

That’s why I tried some sites on the Internet that offer personalized horoscopes and astrological readings. It’s a hotline actually, and at first, I was skeptical; I wasn’t keen on the idea that someone on the other end of the line is just dishing me my horoscope read from a book. But there’s one I found which really blew my mind. It’s called I’m thinking big time blow-your-mind here. I had my husband check the site out too and talk with one of the resident psychics, and he was amazed. And my husband doesn’t impress easily, mind you.

I’d like to say more about that first try at, but I’d already be revealing too much. All I can say is that suspend your disbelief for a while, and give it a try. Trust me, it’s worth it, and it sure beats the heck out of reading horoscopes from the dailies.

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