Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Beginning of Astrology and Horoscopes

There is no tangible way to pinpoint the evolution of astrology, but it appears that civilization has forever relied on the heavens for direction. What knowledge we have gained from the distant past is that every culture had utilized astrology to a great extent. In the farming communities of early civilizations, there was an individual who predicted the future by the positions of the planets and sun and moon and who also had the authority to erform and administer religious rites.
Most believe that the sages who visited Jesus and Mary and Joseph shortly after Jesus was born were astrologists from the Persian Empire.
These members of the Zoroastrian priestly caste of the Medes and Persians became aware of the joining of the planets in the constellation Pisces, which signified the nativity of a remarkable soul whom they resolved to track down Some of the most awe-inspiring structures known to man, The Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge, Angkor in Cambodia and the Ramses II Temple in Abu Simbel, were built on the physical constraints of astrology.
There are a set of obelisks in the male sovereign’s compartment of the Great Pyramid of Giza that are in precise placement with Polaris and the luminaries found on the waistband of Orion, a constellation in the celestial equator near Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel. When observed from above, the triad of Mesoamerican temples of Giza takes on the appearance of the luminaries embellishing Orion’s waistband. In Stonehenge, a monument comprised of antediluvian structural designs on Salisbury Plain in southern England and theorized to be the ruins of an antiquated temple of the order of priests of ancient Gaul and Britain, its core entryway is situated in the direction of the sun when it is at its northernmost point in midsummer.
As those relating to times long past observed the luminaries, they become aware of a connection amongst the change in position of the planets overhead and occurrences on the World beneath. They become aware that the arrangement of the planets during an individual’s nativity delineated particular distinguishing features. They recognized that as the planets passed over crucial elements concerning the natal planet configuration, the individual may possibly be subjected to particular phenomenon. They formulated prophecies rooted in these inferences, in the precise manner of modern day astrologers.
For the majority of its being, astrology has been a well-regarded scientific discipline. Astrology and astronomy were once regarded as being one and the same. Two renowned astronomers, Tycho Brahe (referred to as the “Danish Father of Modern Astronomy”) and Claudius Ptolemy, also habitually performed astrology whereas Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer, calculated predictions derived from the comparative arrangements of the planets.
Johannes Kepler characterized planetary movement in reference to three laws, as a result of which Isaac Newton established his endeavors. Kepler affirmed, “The belief in the effect of the constellations derives in the first place from experience, which is so convincing that it can be denied only by those who have not examined it”.

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