Tuesday 25 December 2012

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Monday 24 December 2012

New Chinese Year of the Snake - 2013

The Year of the Snake begins on 10th February 2013. The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac are divided into elements, each with slightly different characteristics - this New Year is a Water Snake. Anyone born during this sign are able to slip through trouble like water: totally fluid.
Snake Characteristics
In the West the snake is associated with danger - the Scriptures say the devil was in snake form. However Eastern philosophy regards the snake as a symbol of good luck.
Snakes are mysterious, clever, refined, and masters of transition and camouflage. They can be flexible as a worm, or powerful like 37-feet pythons that can crush an antelope and swallow it whole - or the king cobra's venom that can kill an elephant.

The Most Fascinating Facts About Astrology That We All Should Know

Life is most unpredictable and so are we, the human beings. Life gives us loads of miseries at time, again sometimes it comes as a bed of roses. Though life is full of happiness and sadness, still the fact is that, none of us know what is going to happen with us in the coming days or even the upcoming hours. Why is our life so much erratic? What are the factors responsible for those uncertainties?
Although science has advanced so much that it can predict the upcoming tsunami, the features of the galaxy which are billions of light-years away from us and many more facts which were unknown to us few years back also, yet it is still now unable to foresee our future.

The Month of Capricorn, 2012-13

The Zodiac Month Ahead
The Power of TruthWhat we all can expect from the forecast of our planetary skies 21 December to 19 January 2013.
"The real need of Capricorn souls is for moral and spiritual growth; they must cease to striving for worldly place and power. They must become superior inside, throwing off all fawning and snobbery, that pride that thrives on the external values of life, on power, worldly distinction, and pomp. They are prone to regard their ideas as the only truth, and it is this tendency that creates the condition of loneliness and isolation, for the steel-gray shell forms itself about these souls, and in this incrustation they remain, impervious to the spirit of truth and the warming expansiveness of love." ~John Jocelyn
Sun enters Capricorn 21 December

STOP! The EASIEST Way to Get Spiritual Answers From Tarot You Can Use (No More "WOO")

Q: How can I get an honest, accurate and insightful tarot reading? Aren't tarot, horoscope and psychic readings in general just so "broad" that they can really apply to anyone? How can I get psychic or spiritual advice that's specifically tailored to ME? Any of these questions sound familiar? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how to dramatically improve your experience, when seeking out spiritual or psychic advice from either a tarot reader, or any type of spiritual intuitive or empath alive! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Does Free Psychic Chat Readings Really Work?

Psychic readings have been a favorite among many individuals, even celebrities, as it provides them enlightenment and advices about life. Live psychics are said to have the abilities to read through a person and provide answers to questions that have been bothering them for so long.
And because more and more people are coming to psychics for their own readings, several organizations and websites have been revolutionizing the way such psychic readings are done.
However, many comments have been said about this-some being positive while some others are negative. Does free psychic chat really work?