Monday 24 December 2012

STOP! The EASIEST Way to Get Spiritual Answers From Tarot You Can Use (No More "WOO")

Q: How can I get an honest, accurate and insightful tarot reading? Aren't tarot, horoscope and psychic readings in general just so "broad" that they can really apply to anyone? How can I get psychic or spiritual advice that's specifically tailored to ME? Any of these questions sound familiar? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how to dramatically improve your experience, when seeking out spiritual or psychic advice from either a tarot reader, or any type of spiritual intuitive or empath alive! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

First, understand this to be true, because it is:
As a relationship coach and spiritual intuitive myself, it amazes me how many of my professional peers offer what is called "boilerplate" information during a reading or consultation. While I don't personally do "psychic" style readings anymore myself, the vast majority of the ones I've had over the last few years have been overly general, really random... and in many ways, could apply to just about anyone who fit my general age and personal profile at all.
(in other words... when I speak to a reader in person, there are probably 10 or 12 things that statistically, I'm going to have in common with others in my demographic, that are easy to predict, without any psychic abilities at all)
One of the things that I've always recommended to folks who are seeking out psychic advice is to prepare themselves in advance. Write down questions. Have a list of 3-7 things that are "musts" on the scale of rating your reading a success.
This can be very, very effective... and can ensure that you hang up the phone, or walk out of a reading feeling inspired, enlightened, informed and encouraged that you know what path to pick.
HOWEVER, in the last few months, I've watched some folks do this a wee bit better than what I used to recommend.
Not only should you write down your questions and prepare, but have very specific outcome oriented ideas about what you'd like to know.
For example, rather than just asking tarot, or a psychic, or any other type of spiritual advisor whether a specific job is worth taking, ask it THIS way, instead:
  • "If I take this job on Tuesday... what do you see my professional like looking like specifically in 12 months? What about 2 years down the road?"
  • "If I agree to move in with "Brian"... what will our relationship look like in a year? Describe how you perceive our future together, both in the short term... and long?"
Of course, these may sound a bit cheesy off the cuff... but hopefully you get the underlying point.
The more specific you make your questions, the more emotional energy arises... and in my view, the more information is able to be intuited, too! The more emotional investment YOU make in the actual question... the more of a wide window opens up in the Universe for an answer to appear!

It may sound silly to the skeptics out there, and that's 100% okay. But for those of us who KNOW, it's a great way to getting everything that you truly want... and avoiding all that you don't!
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