The Zodiac Month Ahead Finding Our Divine Friendships
What we all can expect from the forecast of our planetary skies from 19 January to 18 February.
A Meditation For Aquarius
"This creative, cosmic sign is ruled by the awakener, Uranus, which means "heaven." It makes non-conformists and reformers. It brings completely new orientation. To Aquarians, no one is a stranger or an alien, not even the person who lacks love entirely, or who loves himself solely, or who isolates himself by race, or narrow-minded nationalism. They know that, basically, all human beings are related, despite marked differences in their evolutionary status. The advanced Aquarian seeks to have human beings become not only citizens of the world, but what is more, citizens of the cosmos. In our waking hours, it is our vital task to make friendship a fact, spreading creative friendship wherever we go, and recognizing the hidden divinity in every human being. In Aquarius, the ideals of friendship and a successful social system must become concrete in operation. More than any other sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius strives to make ideals become real, practical, working facts of life." ~John Jocelyn
Sun enters Aquarius 19 January
Shine Light Upon Your Individual Truth to Reform
Winter asks for our friendliest response to it, as our collective focus shifts to recognizing what needs to reform and awaken within our deepest sense of altruism. There is a wealth of truth that can be received from the depth's of this season's rest, wherein spending time to better understand our individual place amongst the whole of this world is worth the journey to explore it. Here is where Aquarius gets known as possessing detached energy, for the natural space to do such research doesn't always require the necessity of human touch to perceive it.
This organized air sign is able to take the intellectual means here to ponder and think it over to come back with an innovative and highly intellectual plan to bring improvements to whatever they discover has not been working in synthesis to result in divine human intervention. Hence carrying out this task through the symbol of 'The Water Bearer,' this placement within our individual lives evokes an eternal yearning for constant reform to awaken what is ever flowing with practical ideals to make things better.
Venus goes Direct in Capricorn | 30 January
Where Your Harmony and Understanding Returns to Forward Motion
Our Idealist Venus returns her normal energies that prefer innate understanding and harmony to be able to move forward once more from where The Goat ambitiously climbs within our lives. As her Shadow passage will prevail until 04 March, we will all still see the ironing out of the kinks that naturally displayed themselves during her request to review and reassess the value of everything in our lives, which distinctly called for our deepest responsibilities here. Venus and Pluto have now joined up in a close conjunction whose effects will last intensely until mid-February. This undeniably will be turning out tremendous regeneration and change of what everything is worth its' value within Capricorn, as this rebirth now begins to unfold.
As you take the Shadow passage into your consideration, whether it was within your relationships, money, artistic pleasures or beauty enhancements, this passage since 21 December 2013 brought forth a profound understanding to what was not working well within them, and what accountability you now need to possess to make positive changes for the future across the board. As within any planetary transit in Capricorn, learning from these experiences is what makes the lessons not have to come around again and insanely repeat them.
New Moon in Aquarius, The Year of The Wood Horse, 30/31 January
Where Your Feelings Find Renewal and Consideration
As always upon our Aquarian New Moon, it's time to align in the ringing in of another New Year in the East as 2014's Year of the Wood Horse officially starts. A Chinese New Year begins with the West's yearly waxing phase of The Water Bearer, the sign that calls for us all to look at the world as one, and what our individual mission is within it. The Year of the Wood Horse kicks off a spirited calling within the year ahead, as our Eastern friends honor the symbolic energy guided by the animal of freedom, volatility, independence, fervor, vivacity and versatility for the next year throughout 20 January 2015.
In the wood elemental guidance that asks us to recognize for co-operation, the year ahead is distinctly marked with a calling for warmth, consideration, elegance, and generosity to be a wise part of how we collectively work with the natural wit and busy energy the horse presents to us. Both an Aquarian New Moon and The Horse spark our intellect to get savvy with new ways to find our individual natures, and not allow those who may try to stop us to do so. Throughout the year head, those that become "spooked" will run for the hills. When one knows how to truly co-operate with The Horse, the channel of respect, nobility and honor will be what comes from within their Spirit to display kindness and treat all experiences in the year ahead with tender loving care.
Mercury enters Pisces, 31 January
Mercury goes Retrograde in Pisces, 06 February
Mercury Re-enters Aquarius, 12 February
Where Your Communications Find Receptivity & Originality
Our Messenger planets joins up for a shorter visit where The Fishes swim in our lives under the Approach to Retrograde, and during the first few days of the transit. The collective's mental capacities become activated in permeating energies, as insight wishes to flow to us within our communications. It will be wise to not allow irrational, opinionated, or thoughtless reactions to prevail- rather, the development of common sense, objectivity and steadiness hold the keys to being ready for change throughout this passage.
Once our request for review and redo from what we have previously done prior to 06 February will be on in full- as Mercury moves back into Aquarius upon 12 February- get ready for true unpredictable occurrences to be a natural part of the movement you will encounter, especially until 28 February. Many will sense a lack of warmth and imagination wherever Aquarius lives within their personal natal chart under Retrograde, demanding the mastering to take extra pause within our moments so we can find ways to respond in calm to the chaos that will be displaying itself around us. This first calling of 2014 for pure reflection and review will present amazing ways to offer reward within this retreat, as any initiation or new beginning asks to be held off upon until after 28 February.
What we all can expect from the forecast of our planetary skies from 19 January to 18 February.
A Meditation For Aquarius
"This creative, cosmic sign is ruled by the awakener, Uranus, which means "heaven." It makes non-conformists and reformers. It brings completely new orientation. To Aquarians, no one is a stranger or an alien, not even the person who lacks love entirely, or who loves himself solely, or who isolates himself by race, or narrow-minded nationalism. They know that, basically, all human beings are related, despite marked differences in their evolutionary status. The advanced Aquarian seeks to have human beings become not only citizens of the world, but what is more, citizens of the cosmos. In our waking hours, it is our vital task to make friendship a fact, spreading creative friendship wherever we go, and recognizing the hidden divinity in every human being. In Aquarius, the ideals of friendship and a successful social system must become concrete in operation. More than any other sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius strives to make ideals become real, practical, working facts of life." ~John Jocelyn
Sun enters Aquarius 19 January
Shine Light Upon Your Individual Truth to Reform
Winter asks for our friendliest response to it, as our collective focus shifts to recognizing what needs to reform and awaken within our deepest sense of altruism. There is a wealth of truth that can be received from the depth's of this season's rest, wherein spending time to better understand our individual place amongst the whole of this world is worth the journey to explore it. Here is where Aquarius gets known as possessing detached energy, for the natural space to do such research doesn't always require the necessity of human touch to perceive it.
This organized air sign is able to take the intellectual means here to ponder and think it over to come back with an innovative and highly intellectual plan to bring improvements to whatever they discover has not been working in synthesis to result in divine human intervention. Hence carrying out this task through the symbol of 'The Water Bearer,' this placement within our individual lives evokes an eternal yearning for constant reform to awaken what is ever flowing with practical ideals to make things better.
Venus goes Direct in Capricorn | 30 January
Where Your Harmony and Understanding Returns to Forward Motion
Our Idealist Venus returns her normal energies that prefer innate understanding and harmony to be able to move forward once more from where The Goat ambitiously climbs within our lives. As her Shadow passage will prevail until 04 March, we will all still see the ironing out of the kinks that naturally displayed themselves during her request to review and reassess the value of everything in our lives, which distinctly called for our deepest responsibilities here. Venus and Pluto have now joined up in a close conjunction whose effects will last intensely until mid-February. This undeniably will be turning out tremendous regeneration and change of what everything is worth its' value within Capricorn, as this rebirth now begins to unfold.
As you take the Shadow passage into your consideration, whether it was within your relationships, money, artistic pleasures or beauty enhancements, this passage since 21 December 2013 brought forth a profound understanding to what was not working well within them, and what accountability you now need to possess to make positive changes for the future across the board. As within any planetary transit in Capricorn, learning from these experiences is what makes the lessons not have to come around again and insanely repeat them.
New Moon in Aquarius, The Year of The Wood Horse, 30/31 January
Where Your Feelings Find Renewal and Consideration
As always upon our Aquarian New Moon, it's time to align in the ringing in of another New Year in the East as 2014's Year of the Wood Horse officially starts. A Chinese New Year begins with the West's yearly waxing phase of The Water Bearer, the sign that calls for us all to look at the world as one, and what our individual mission is within it. The Year of the Wood Horse kicks off a spirited calling within the year ahead, as our Eastern friends honor the symbolic energy guided by the animal of freedom, volatility, independence, fervor, vivacity and versatility for the next year throughout 20 January 2015.
In the wood elemental guidance that asks us to recognize for co-operation, the year ahead is distinctly marked with a calling for warmth, consideration, elegance, and generosity to be a wise part of how we collectively work with the natural wit and busy energy the horse presents to us. Both an Aquarian New Moon and The Horse spark our intellect to get savvy with new ways to find our individual natures, and not allow those who may try to stop us to do so. Throughout the year head, those that become "spooked" will run for the hills. When one knows how to truly co-operate with The Horse, the channel of respect, nobility and honor will be what comes from within their Spirit to display kindness and treat all experiences in the year ahead with tender loving care.
Mercury enters Pisces, 31 January
Mercury goes Retrograde in Pisces, 06 February
Mercury Re-enters Aquarius, 12 February
Where Your Communications Find Receptivity & Originality
Our Messenger planets joins up for a shorter visit where The Fishes swim in our lives under the Approach to Retrograde, and during the first few days of the transit. The collective's mental capacities become activated in permeating energies, as insight wishes to flow to us within our communications. It will be wise to not allow irrational, opinionated, or thoughtless reactions to prevail- rather, the development of common sense, objectivity and steadiness hold the keys to being ready for change throughout this passage.
Once our request for review and redo from what we have previously done prior to 06 February will be on in full- as Mercury moves back into Aquarius upon 12 February- get ready for true unpredictable occurrences to be a natural part of the movement you will encounter, especially until 28 February. Many will sense a lack of warmth and imagination wherever Aquarius lives within their personal natal chart under Retrograde, demanding the mastering to take extra pause within our moments so we can find ways to respond in calm to the chaos that will be displaying itself around us. This first calling of 2014 for pure reflection and review will present amazing ways to offer reward within this retreat, as any initiation or new beginning asks to be held off upon until after 28 February.
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